Frequently Asked Questions

Chad Poe is the founder of Through-Line Cohort. Chad has spent the last 15 years traveling and speaking at events, while also serving as a teaching pastor at two different churches. He believes in the importance of relationships and seeks to get to know people when he is away from the stage. Ultimately, Chad hopes to see ministry leaders moved into a deeper relationship with Christ through the power of God’s Word. In turn, those leaders will influence their community and world for Christ’s sake. Chad is currently the Teaching Pastor at Grace Bible Church. He is married to Hope and they have three sons (Shepherd, Charlie, and Alder) and a daughter (Noli).

Through-line exists to help ministry leaders become more efficient and effective in their various giftings. Through-Line is a relational community that works together to create lasting kingdom influence.

In a cohort, you will join a group of like minded ministry leaders to work through various elements of your specific field. Our semester is made up of evaluations, teaching sessions, and conversations. You will receive evaluations of multiple field-specific assignments. Our teaching sessions are tools, tips, and tricks to help streamline your ministry methods. Conversations are follow-up huddles about various elements related to your ministry field. In these sessions, fellow participants will contribute observations on various teaching topics presented in the main sessions.

Each cohort semester is $1,000. Please do not let cost be a hindrance. Reach out to us and let’s have a conversation.

A good time estimate would be 3 to 4 hours a month.

We meet via Zoom on the second and third Thursday of each month (this may vary depending on your Cohort), with each session lasting approximately 45 minutes. These sessions and conversations are in addition to your one-on-one evaluations.

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