Current Cohorts

Chad will lead out to help you develop efficient, effective practices in teaching and preaching scripture.
Chad Poe
Founder of Through-line Cohort
Kate will partner with you to think through Girls Ministry in all the practical ways so you can lead with confidence.
Kate Downing
BattleCreek Church
Brian will help you help you strategically think through the aspects of growth in your student ministry.
Brian Preston
BattleCreek Church
Jarryd will train you to lead worship more effectively by helping you in the pastoral and practical aspects of Worship Ministry.
Jarryd Foreman
The Austin Stone
Gen Alpha is here and our churches need to be ready. Join Ryan and friends as he helps you understand how best to serve the middle schoolers in your church and community.
Ryan Murphy
Osborne Baptist Church
Kids Ministry is a great place for children to learn foundations of the faith. Nikki and her guests will help us to strategically think through the faith with both our kids and their parents.
Nikki Young
New Beginnings Church
Daniel is ready to lead you in your writing to find a specific audience through both existing and future projects.
Daniel Darling
Southwestern Seminary

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Interested in any of these cohorts? We would love to hear from you.


“Not all who ‘do’ can teach. But when you find someone who is a faithful preacher and a humble teacher they leave an indelible mark on your life. Both Chad and Through-line are incredible resources for anyone looking to develop into a more effective communicator.”

Jason Cook
Senior Pastor Fellowship Bible Church
"ThroughLine Cohort grows your ability to communicate God’s Word by giving you access to seasoned mentors and dynamic conversations. I love how the unique, personal coaching experience of ThroughLine Cohort means that you’ll receive encouragingly direct feedback and immensely practical guidance for honing your biblical communication skills and passion."
Dr. Ken Castor
NextGen Pastor, Wooddale Church
"I have been a believer in the Through-line Cohort from the days of its conception. I believe it to be an inspired idea given to an anointed leader. Chad Poe is practically equipping and walking alongside communicators who wish to steward their gifting with a standard of excellence. I can’t recommend this ministry enough!"
Brent Crowe
Vice-President, SLU
"I am grateful for Chad Poe and what he’s doing with Through-Line! The dedication to excellence and collaboration makes Through-Line an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to develop their skills as a communicator. Any pastor or ministry leader serious about conveying biblical truths and making lasting kingdom influence will benefit from Through-Line."
Zach Wyatt
Youth Leader Collective

Join Through-line Cohort

Interested in any of these cohorts? We would love to hear from you.